A joint project of the Congo Research Group, Human Rights Watch, and Bridgeway Foundation, the Kivu Security Tracker maps violence by armed groups and state security forces in eastern Congo to better understand trends, causes of insecurity, and serious violations of international human rights and humanitarian law.

In this powerful book about Bridgeway Foundation’s unprecedented collaboration to stop the atrocities of Joseph Kony and his Lord’s Resistance Army, Bridgeway CEO Shannon Sedgwick Davis asks just how hard we would fight for what we believe in; what lines we would draw–and what lines we would cross; and how possible it is for each one of us to have a global impact.
A testament to radical forgiveness and restorative justice, this award-winning short film shows how former child soldier David Ocitti comes to embrace the rebels who ripped apart his family, helping them find a second chance in life.
“Uganda and Congo Are at War With the Islamic State” — Foreign Policy, November 29, 2021
“Islamic State Seeks Revival in Christian Countries” — The Wall Street Journal, April 15, 2021
The Islamic State in Congo — Program on Extremism, The George Washington University, March 2021